Topics of interest include but are not limited to

Innovation Toward a Green Circular Transition

  • Urban and Industrial water and wastewater treatment,
  • Nature-based solutions for water/wastewater management,
  • Water reuse, recycling and conservation toward SDGs,
  • Sludge treatment and valorization,
  • Nutrient recovery/removal,
  • Fate and removal of emerging contaminants,
  • Water-Energy-Food Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus,
  • Decentralized water/wastewater treatment and management systems.

Smart Irrigation to take AgTech to the Next Level

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in water management,
  • Remote sensing application in agriculture,
  • Smart and biosourced material for sustained irrigation,
  • irrigation-assisted by digitalization, modeling and decision-support tools.